Coyote Calling Sounds
Coyote-Hunting-Tactics-and-Tips.jpg' alt='Coyote Calling Sounds' title='Coyote Calling Sounds' />Inside The Hidden World Of Immigrant Smuggling NPRJOHN DONVAN, HOST This is TALK OF THE NATION. Im John Donvan in Washington. Earlier this month, nine immigrants suspected of being illegally smuggled into the United States were killed in a car crash. That journey came to a violent and sudden end. But there have been, and there will be others bent on crossing the Mexican border north to the U. S. who will make that very same journey and with a similar setup. They will pay someone, a smuggler, a coyote its called, to get across. The immigration debate nowadays centers on what happens when the immigrants get here, but today we want to zoom in just on this part of it, how these smuggling operations actually work. Who are these coyotes Why do people go to them What do they have to pay themAnd why is the journey that they lead their human cargos on so often so dangerous, like that accident with the truck What happens out there in those last few miles when the border is just up ahead Illegal immigration is a crime, but the smuggling is the crime within the crime. That is our focus. And if you have experience in this world, wed like you to call us and tell us your story. Our number is 8. 00 9. Our email address is talknpr. Coyote Call Sounds Effects Sound Bites Sound Clips from SoundBible. Free. Get The sound of a pack of coyotes calling. Red fox sounds. The cubs in the pen were orphans who were later returned to the wild. On this island lives the most frightening animal on the planet You will not believe what happens at Duration 256. EVA FOX. Home Remedies for Health. Coyote Hunting Info is a guide for all the coyote hunting enthusiasts out there. Our guide provides information for both amateur and experienced coyote hunters. A coyote looks a little like a collie dog, and indeed, coyotes are members of the dog family, Canidae. Their rounded, bristly tails are usually held straight and. And you can also join the conversation at our website. Go to npr. org, and click on TALK OF THE NATION. Later in the program, Crawford Kilian and the ten most harmful novels for aspiring writers to read. But first the hidden world of immigrant smuggling. Lenny Sanchez is a commander in the Palmview Police Department and was one of the law enforcement agencies responsible for investigating this months crash. He joins us now by phone from Palmview, Texas. Ever adaptable and always elusive, Canis latrans thrives in varied landscapes across the country. Whether youre working on your hundredth coyote or dreaming about. FOXPRO custom programming sound listing. You pick the predator hunting sounds you want programmed on to your caller. Commander, thanks very much, and welcome to TALK OF THE NATION. LENNY SANCHEZ Yes, sir, thank you. DONVAN So you have nine suspected illegal immigrants dead. Six of them are injured. How often do you see this kind of thing Is this an extraordinary event SANCHEZ Well, the accident, well, very extraordinary. The accident itself, unintelligible. As far as the illegal smuggling across the valley here in South Texas, its a very common area for illegals to come from Mexico, Central America, Chinese, other countries, also. Theyre using the Mexican border to cross into the U. S. And do we were talking about this being a very violent ending. Do you see things like this happening more often than. Well, at this time, like, you know, law enforcement is putting their efforts as far as the front lines of defense when it deals with, of course from terrorists and illegal smuggling coming from the Mexican side and also even the high crime area as far as unintelligible smuggling. Coyote Calling Sounds' title='Coyote Calling Sounds' />And thats why its very important for us to actually you know, working these cases, when were working these cases, obviously were putting a dent into their pockets. Obviously they get into a violent unintelligible, yes, sir. DONVAN And when you say a dent into their pockets, thats an interesting way to put it because youre talking about, I guess, a cash transaction taking place there. A dent into whose pockets Whos running this stuff SANCHEZ The illegal smuggler, or the crooks, basically, you know, once you take down their narcotic loads or even their some type of illegal smuggling operation, unintelligible human trafficking. Coyote Calling Sounds' title='Coyote Calling Sounds' />Somebodys taking a hit as far as pocketing illegal money. DONVAN And in the case of this accident that we mentioned at the beginning of the program, do you know who was driving Do you have the driverWas that the coyote, or was he himself. SANCHEZ At this time, during the investigation we did come up with a 1. DONVAN Fifteen. SANCHEZ And we do have him in custody. He got transported to the Hidalgo County Juvenile Detention Center. Obviously, hes a juvenile. So theres very minimal things I can say about him and where he lives and stuff like that. But other than, weve been seeing that they have been recruiting youngsters, you know, for X amount of dollars to do their dirty work. DONVAN So I understand you cant talk about that suspect because of his age, but tell me about this van. Filme O Clube Dos Cinco Dublado. How is it how many were fitting in this vanHow many people are supposed to fit in this van And how is it tricked out to get so many people into itSANCHEZ Well, this van is equipped to its an eight passenger van, and its equipped with seats. Obviously, the crooks actually gut this vehicle out so they can fit more undocumented immigrants in there. There are approximately I believe 1. DONVAN How many Did you say 1. My gosh. SANCHEZ Nineteen, and thats including the driver, obviously. And this van is not equipped for that heavy load or the capacity that the van was carrying. DONVAN When you have an incident like this where you know that you have a group of illegal crossers, and you also have somebody whos organizing them, the coyote, and you apprehend them all, does the coyote come in for any sort of different treatment Is there a prosecution as opposed to just a deportation SANCHEZ In this particular case, we got we were assisted by the investigation was assisted also by the Homeland Security investigations. And basically what they did, they took care of the coyote and the higher ups rather than the driver, and they went federally in cases. So they actually work on federal cases. We dont work federal cases. So they took over the federal aspect, and we took the juvenile aspect. DONVAN Yeah, so what Im trying to actually understand, and I think youre telling me this, that its a different level of crime to be the smuggler than to be the smuggled person. SANCHEZ Yes, obviously yes, as far as being smuggled, as far as us, we are initially we dont have jurisdiction to ask the nationality of people. So therefore, we all just do all we do follow is the penal code, which is Texas state law statutes, which does not give us authority to check nationality on individuals. DONVAN And what sort of insight do you have on the scale of these operations In other words, and again realizing that the one that just happened, were talking about, is under investigation. But in a more broad sense, do most of the smugglers, most of these coyotes, operate as small operations Are they one or two person operationsOr are we talking about a large organization here SANCHEZ Well, its a lot of drug organization. Obviously, we can get again to the Mexican side. But, you know, they operate from actually crossing from whatever country they come from, and then they just trickle down, down into the U. S., which is now you have the person who actually coordinates here in U. S., the person that gets them out of the bus or from the river. And then you have the one that actually, that actually takes the person further up north so they can pass checkpoints and so forth. So youre looking at about maybe four or five people deep in the U. S. that actually take, that work in this operation to get people across into the checkpoints here in the U. S. DONVAN So they have a lot of moving parts. Klipsch Serial Number Decoder. SANCHEZ Obviously yes, sir. They have it coordinated so basically they have their the top end to the low end and whos going to do it at the end the dirty work, which in this situation it ended up being a juvenile. DONVAN All right, well, Commander Lenny Sanchez with the Palmview Police Department, he joined us by phone. Thanks very much for your time, Commander. SANCHEZ Thank you, sir. DONVAN Thanks for joining us. Well, we want to hear from you, our listeners.