Sharon Zukin Loft Living Pdf

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Gentrificazione Wikipedia. In sociologia il termine gentrificazione adattamento della parola inglese gentrification, derivante da gentry, ossia la piccola nobilt inglese e in seguito la borghesia o classe media, indica linsieme dei cambiamenti urbanistici e socio culturali di unarea urbana, tradizionalmente popolare o abitata dalla classe operaia, risultanti dallacquisto di immobili da parte di popolazione benestante. Il termine gentrification stato introdotto in ambito accademico dalla sociologa inglese Ruth Glass nel 1. Londra che sono seguiti allinsediamento di un nuovo gruppo sociale di classe media. A tal proposito C. Hamnett scrive 3 Ella identific la gentrification in un processo complesso, o un insieme di processi, che comporta il miglioramento fisico del patrimonio immobiliare, il cambiamento della gestione abitativa da affitto a propriet, lascesa dei prezzi, e lallontanamento o sostituzione della popolazione operaia esistente da parte delle classi medie. Questi cambiamenti si verificano nelle periferieurbane, ma soprattutto nei centri storici e nei quartieri centrali, nelle zone con un certo degrado da un punto di vista edilizio e con costi abitativi bassi. Nel momento in cui queste zone vengono sottoposte a restauro e miglioramento urbano, tendono a far affluire su di loro nuovi abitanti ad alto reddito e ad espellere i vecchi abitanti a basso reddito, i quali non possono pi permettersi di risiedervi. Benjamin Grant, Urban gentrification is associated with movement PBS Documentaries with a point of view What is Gentrification, Public Broadcasting Service, 1. I/51dwcrs6AeL._SR600%2C315_PIWhiteStrip%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C35_PIStarRatingFOUR%2CBottomLeft%2C360%2C-6_SR600%2C315_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg' alt='Sharon Zukin Loft Living Pdf' title='Sharon Zukin Loft Living Pdf' />Gentrificazione, in Lessico del XXI secolo, su Enciclopedia TreccaniG. Bridge, S. Watson, 2. A companion to the city, Malden, MA Blackwell Publishers. Booza, Jason, Cutsinger, Jackie, and Galster, George. Where Did They GoThe Decline of Middle Income Neighborhoods in Metropolitan America. Brookings Institution, 2. Cash, Stephanie. Landlords put a squeeze on Brooklyn artists. Art in America v. Castells, M. 1. 98. Cultural identity, sexual liberation and urban structure the gay community in San Francisco in M. Castells, The City and the Grassroots A Cross Cultural Theory of Urban Social Movements Edward Arnold, London pp. Loft and attic. In US usage a loft is an upper room or story in a building, mainly in a barn, directly under the roof, used either for storage as in most private. Diappi, Lidia a cura di. Rigenerazione urbana e ricambio sociale. Gentrification in atto nei quartieri storici italiani. Franco Angeli, 2. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Sharon Zukin Loft Living Pdf' title='Sharon Zukin Loft Living Pdf' />Friedman, John. The world city hypothesis. From World Cities in a World System, Paul L. Knox and Peter J. Taylor eds, Cambridge UP, 1. Hamnett, Chris. The blind men and the elephant the explanation of gentrification. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 1. Hamnett, Chris. Gentrifiers or lemmings A response to Neil Smith. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 1. Visio Supply Chain Templates For Word on this page. Knox, Paul L. The restless urban landscape Economic and Sociocultural change and the transformation of metropolitan Washington, DC. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 1. Lang, Michael. Gentrification Amid Urban Decline. Massachusetts Ballinger Publishing Company, 1. Ley, David. Alternative explanations for inner city gentrification a Canadian assessment. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 1. Ley, David. Gentrification and the politics of the new middle class. Environment and Planning D Society and Space 1. Ley, David. Reply the rent gap revisited. Annals of the Association of the American Geographers 1. Lloyd, Richard. Neo Bohemia. Routledge, 2. 00. ISBN 0 4. 15 9. Maag, Christopher. In Cincinnati, Life Breaths Anew in Riot Scarred Area. New York Times. com 2. Mele, Christopher. Selling the Lower East Side. University of Minnesota, 2. ISBN 0 8. 16. 6 3. Moore, Keith. From redline to renaissance. Salon. com, 2 agosto 1. Papayis, Marilyn Adler. Sex and the revanchist city zoning out pornography in New York. Environment and Planning D Society and Space 2. Ranaldi, I. 2. 01. Testaccio da quartiere operaio a village della capitale, Franco Angeli, Milano. Ranaldi, I. 2. 01. Gentrification in parallelo. Quartieri tra Roma e New York, Aracne, Roma. Rose, Demaris. Rethinking gentrification beyond the uneven development of marxist theory. Environment and Planning D Society and Space 1. Sassen, Saskia. On concentration and centrality in the global city. From World Cities in a World System, Paul L. Knox and Peter J. Taylor eds, Cambridge UP, 1. Semi, Giovanni. Gentrification. Tutte le citt come Disneyland. Il Mulino, 2. 01. Smith, N. 1. 98. Gentrification and the rent gap, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 7. Smith, N. 1. 99. The New Urban Frontier Gentrification and the Revanchist City. Routledge, London. Zukin, Sharon. Loft Living. Rutgers UP, 1. 98. ISBN 0 8. 13. 5 1. Park Slope Wikipedia. Seventh Avenue in Park Slope. The architectural details of one of Park Slopes buildings. Park Slope is a neighborhood in northwest Brooklyn, New York City. Park Slope is roughly bounded by Prospect Park and Prospect Park West to the east, Fourth Avenue to the west, Flatbush Avenue to the north, and Prospect Expressway to the south. Generally, the section from Flatbush Avenue to Garfield Place the named streets is considered the North Slope, the section from 1st through 9th Streets is considered the Center Slope, and south of 1. Street, the South Slope. The neighborhood takes its name from its location on the western slope of neighboring Prospect Park. Fifth Avenue and Seventh Avenue are its primary commercial streets, while its east west side streets are lined with brownstones and apartment buildings. Park Slope features historic buildings, top rated restaurants, bars, and shops, as well as proximity to Prospect Park, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Brooklyn Museum, the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music, and the Central Library as well as the Park Slope branch of the Brooklyn Public Library system. The neighborhood had a population of about 6. Park Slope is considered one of New York Citys most desirable neighborhoods. In 2. 01. 0, it was ranked number 1 in New York by New York Magazine, citing its quality public schools, dining, nightlife, shopping, access to public transit, green space, safety, and creative capital, among other aspects. It was named one of the Greatest Neighborhoods in America by the American Planning Association in 2. In December 2. 00. Natural Home magazine named Park Slope one of Americas ten best neighborhoods based on criteria including parks, green spaces and neighborhood gathering spaces farmers markets and community gardens public transportation and locally owned businesses and environmental and social policy. Almanya Willkommen In Deutschland Kostenlos Musik. Park Slope is part of Brooklyn Community Board 6. HistoryeditDevelopmenteditThe area that today comprises the neighborhood of Park Slope was first inhabited by the Native Americans of the Lenape people. The Dutch colonized the area by the 1. During the American Revolutionary War, on August 2. Park Slope area served as the backdrop for the beginning of the Battle of Long Island. In this battle, over 1. British soldiers and Hessian mercenaries routed outnumbered American forces. The historic site of Battle Pass is now preserved in Prospect Park, and on Fifth Avenue there is a reconstruction of the stone farmhouse where a countercharge covered the American retreat. In the 1. 85. 0s, a local lawyer and railroad developer named Edwin Clarke Litchfield 1. Through the American Civil War era, he sold off much of his land to residential developers. During the 1. 86. City of Brooklyn purchased his estate and adjoining property to complete the West Drive and the southern portion of the Long Meadow in Prospect Park. However, Park Slopes bucolic period ended soon after. By the late 1. 87. New Yorkers in the process, urban sprawl dramatically changed the neighborhood into a streetcar suburb. Many of the large Victorian mansions on Prospect Park West, known as the Gold Coast, were built in the 1. Today, many of these buildings are preserved within the 2. Park Slope Historic District, one of New Yorks largest landmarked neighborhoods. By 1. 88. 3, with the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, Park Slope continued to boom and subsequent brick and brownstone structures pushed the neighborhoods borders farther. The 1. 89. 0 census showed Park Slope to be the richest community in the United States. St. Johns Episcopal Church, on St. Johns Place. Brooklyn Conservatory of Music. In 1. 89. 2, President Grover Cleveland presided over the unveiling of the Soldiers and Sailors Arch at Grand Army Plaza, a notable Park Slope landmark. The Park Slope Armory was completed in 1. Nearby, Old Stone House is a 1. Vechte Cortelyou House which was destroyed in 1. It is located on Third Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, beside the former Gowanus Creek. Realtors and community members saw a clear connection between Park Slopes bucolic setting and the comfort of living there. As the New York Tribune wrote in 1. Nature set the park down where it is, and man has embellished her work in laying out great lawns and artificial lakes, in bringing together menageries and creating conservatories, in making roads and driveways, and in doing everything in his power to make the place a pleasant pleasure ground and a charming resort. BaseballeditBaseball had also played a prominent role in the history of the Park Slope area. From 1. 87. 9 to 1. Brooklyn Atlantics later to become the Dodgers played at Washington Park on 5th Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets. When the park was destroyed by a fire, the team moved to their part time home in Ridgewood, Queens and then to a park in East New York. In 1. 89. 8, the New Washington Park was built between Third and Fourth Avenues and between First and Third Streets near the Gowanus Canal. The team, by this point known as the Dodgers, played to an ever growing fan base at this location. By the end of the 1. Team owner Charles Ebbets moved the team to his Ebbets Field stadium in Flatbush for the beginning of the 1. The team went on to have historic crosstown rivalries with both the New York Giants and New York Yankees. On December 1. 6, 1. Staten Island, killing 1. U. S. aviation disaster at that time. One of the airplanes, a Douglas DC 8 operated by United Airlines, was able to stay airborne for a few miles before crashing near the corner of Sterling Place and Seventh Avenue,1. Everyone on board was instantly killed, except for one 1. Stephen Baltz, who survived the night at nearby New York Methodist Hospital before succumbing to his injuries. Six people on the ground were also killed, including Wallace E. Lewis, the churchs 9. Charles Cooper, a sanitation worker who was shoveling snow Joseph Colacino and John Opperisano, who were selling Christmas trees on the sidewalk Dr. Jacob L. Crooks, who was out walking his dog and Albert Layer, the owner of a butcher shop located just off Seventh Avenue on Sterling Place. DeclineeditBy the 1. Park Slope became a rougher, more working class neighborhood. It became mostly Italian and Irish in the 1. Latino population of the Slope increased and many of the Italian and Irish population began to relocate. Some of those that did not relocate reacted violently to the ethnic changes to the neighborhood for example, white residents of Park Slope attempted to bar African Americans from participating in after school programs at William Alexander Middle School in 1. After this failed, white teenagers engaged in firebomb attacks on African American homes on Fourth Street. In 1. 96. 8, a street fight between Italian and African American gangs occurred at Fifth Avenue and President Street, using bricks and bottles as weapons 1. African Americans and three Italian Americans were arrested. GentrificationeditIn the late 1. US4. 8 millionbrownstone along Berkeley Place1. Young professionals began to buy and renovate brownstones which only cost around US1. Preservationists helped secure landmark status for many of the neighborhoods blocks of historic row houses, brownstone, and Queen Anne, Renaissance Revival, and Romanesque mansions.